British Rule

After the victory of Britain, the government system began to develop. On October 7, 1763 King George III issued the Royal Proclamation. This replaced the old existing French laws with the laws of Britain. The boundaries of Quebec were also defined. King George III also acknowledged the interior region in the west as “Indian Territory”. There was also the Quebec Act of 1774. This act held many items that would define the government system even more, such as; guaranteed church taxation, legal recognition of the seigniorial system, reinforced French civil law, enlarged the boundaries of Quebec and also permitted Roman Catholics to partake in the government system. Steps like these allowed Canada to develop into a strong colony. The laws that were enforced provided stability to the people, and gave rules to follow. Many of the laws put in place back in 1763 and 1774 are still in affect in the Canadian government that we are apart of today. Previous to this lecture, I didn’t know much about the laws that were in effect back in the 1800s. I found all the work that was put into it was very necessary due to that fact that it was a new colony and everyone needed to follow the same lead. Next semester I have a Political Science course that is all about the Canadian Government. I am really looking forward to learning about the government system more in depth.

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