Research Project

I conducted research on the curriculum in the early public education systems in Upper Canada. At first, I wanted my research to answer the question of “What were the thought processes behind deciding what courses were needed to be taught in the early public education system?” But throughout my research my thesis changed. My paper explained that the public education system in Canada was created to ensure these standards were being met to produce strong workers for the Industrial Revolution, teach children the importance of Christianity and provide education to all classes of society. I wanted to understand the motives and techniques of successfully providing students with a sufficient education to survive through life. Knowledge that students gain at school is very practical and provides them with great opportunities in their future. The education system has provided students with support and encouragement from the best teacher in the best learning environment. Throughout my research, I realized that has always been a standard that has been set high since the beginning of the education system back in the mid 1800’s. Using an ethno-historical approach, I used many sources to find the answer to my original question. I really enjoyed learning about the early education system in Canada that millions still get to enjoy today.

Read my Research Paper here.